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Caliper - the thickness of sheet of paper or board expressed in microns (millionths of a metre). Also the name of the tool used to make the measurement.
Camera ready - artwork or pasted up material that is ready for reproduction.
Carbonless - paper coated with chemicals and dye which will produce copies without carbon paper. Also referred to as NCR (No Carbon Required).
Clip Art - copyright free photos or drawings.
CMYK - cyan, yellow, magenta, black. The subtractive primaries, or process colors, used in color printing. Black (K) is usually added to enhance color and to print a true black. See four color process.
Coated - printing papers which after making have had a surface coating with clay etc, to give a smoother, more even finish with greater opacity.
Colour proof - A representation of what the final printed composition will look like. The resolution and quality of different types of color can vary greatly.
Crop marks - lines printed showing the dimensions of the final printed page. These marks are used for final trimming.