include 'Menu02[Resources].html'; ?>
Rasterization - The process of converting mathematical and digital information (vector commands) into a series of dots by an output device.
Raster image processor (RIP) - the hardware engine which calculates the bit-mapped image of text and graphics from a series of instructions. Most RIPs operate on PostScript.
Ream - 500 sheets of paper.
Registration marks - small cross-hairs on film used in the alignment of negatives.
Resolution - the measurement used in typesetting to express quality of output. Measured in dots per inch, the greater the number of dots, the smoother and cleaner appearance the character/image will have. Phographs need to be scanned at a resolution of 300 dots per inch. Screen resolution is 72 dots per inch and something that looks wonderful on your computer screen or on the Internet will look terrible when printed.
RGB - red, green, blue. The additive primary colors used for computer monitor displays; also a color model. Cannot be used for printing. All RGB files must be changed to CMYK to be printed.
Rough - a preliminary sketch of a proposed design (see also, "Dummy" and "Layout dummy."
Runaround (see also Text wrap) - the ability within a program to run text around a graphic image within a document, without the need to ajust each line manually.